Getting the right online dating questions to ask him will give you a good idea of what kind of man he is. There are several different types of questions that you can ask him, such as what he likes to do in his free time. Then there are questions that you can ask him about his family and his job.
Question about his family
Whether you are new to the online dating scene or have been around the block a few times, there are a few things that you should know about asking a guy about his family. Obviously, you don’t want to make him feel uncomfortable, so keep the conversation light and the questions aimed at him. The best way to do this is by asking the more obvious questions, like how long has he lived in his parents’ house? These are the most common questions, but you can also ask about how he feels about the family members who have moved out of the house.

For more specific information, try to get a guy’s perspective on how much he enjoys his family, and what his fears are. This will help you gauge how serious he is about his relationship, and it will give you a better idea of his personality. The more you know about your man, the better you will be at dating him.
Question about his hobbies
Getting to know a guy’s hobbies can be a great way to show him that you care and that you are interested in him. It can also help you determine whether he is a guy who should pursue hobbies or not. There are many ways to discover a guy’s hobby. The best way to do this is to ask him. You can learn a lot about a man’s personality by asking him about his hobbies.
A good place to start is to find out if he likes to listen to music. Online dating questions If he does, you can ask him about his favorite songs. This will give you an idea of his taste in music and could lead to a discovery of new artists. Another question you can ask him is about his favorite book. This can tell you a lot about his interests and what he likes to read.

You can also ask him about his favorite restaurant. This can give you an idea of his tastes and can help you decide where to go on future dates. This can also help you learn a little bit about his hobbies and how he spends his time. You can ask him about his friends as well. If he has a best friend, this can tell you a lot about his personality. You can also ask him about his goals in life. This will help you find out if he is compatible with you and if he would be a good match for you.
Lastly, you can ask him about his bucket list. This can give you a good idea of his values and goals. You can then try to plan a date that will be close to these goals.